The groundbreaking Irish language film KNEECAP has earned recognition across seven categories in the 2025 British Academy Film Awards (BAFTA) longlist. The semi-autobiographical film, which chronicles a west Belfast hip-hop trio’s mission to preserve the Irish language, was helmed by writer-director-producer Rich Peppiatt.
The film’s longlist nominations span major categories including Best Film, Outstanding British Film, Outstanding Debut by a British Writer, Director or Producer, Film not in English Language, Original Screenplay, Best Casting and Best Editing.
Irish cinema continues to make its mark at the BAFTAs, with THE APPRENTICE securing spots in six longlist categories, including Best Film. Additionally, acclaimed Irish actress Saoirse Ronan has been longlisted for Leading Actress for her performance in THE OUTRUN, while the short film CLODAGH, directed by Portia A. Buckley and featuring Bríd Ní Neachtain and Katelyn Rose Downey, has advanced in the Best British Short Film category.
BAFTA members will now review the longlisted entries to determine the final nominees, which will be revealed on January 15. The winners will be announced at the BAFTA Film Awards ceremony, scheduled for February 16 at London’s Royal Festival Hall.