THE AGENCY puts its spotlight on Martian (Michael Fassbender), a covert CIA agent. As the story unfolds, Martian is ordered to abandon his undercover life and return to London station. when the love he left behind reappears, romance reignites. playing Fassbender’s love interest is Jodie turner-smith.
It is through this romance that Martian’s career, real identity, and mission are pitted against his heart, hurling them both into a deadly game of international intrigue and espionage. As executive producer George Clooney says, “a guy makes one mistake: falling in love. and a lot of people get in a lot of trouble because of it.”
Featured alongside Fassbender, Clooney, and turner-smith are stars Jeffrey wright, Richard Gere, John Magaro, and Katherine Waterston.
THE AGENCY premieres Nov 29 on Paramount+.